Immigration and Border Militarization People’s Power Assembly

IMG_9526 (426x640)Tear Down the Walls Peoples Power Assembly, Scheduled for Saturday, November 2 at 4-6:45 P.M.

Immigration has been the human norm since even before the first family clans stepped out of Africa. With the creation of nations came militarized borders. Borders created by colonizers in Africa, the Middle East and the Americas divided communities and indigenous nations already living there. Violence, transnational resource depletion, unfair trade policies and climate change drive immigration. The crisis in capitalism as well as racism and the criminalization of immigrants, has lead to deaths on the US-Mexico border and along the Israeli apartheid wall and many other places in the world. In the US, Arizona is ground zero of the struggle between the forces of criminalization and militarization, and groups demanding that immigration policy be built on a foundation of human rights. US immigration policies divide families, increase deaths in the Arizona/Sonora desert, justify and encourage racial profiling and militarizing the police and border patrol, fuel the growing for-profit prison industry and military contractors, and create environmental destruction.  There are many parallels in Palestine to the Arizona experience.

The Immigration and Border Militarization Peoples Power Assembly will bring together immigrant rights, anti-militarism, indigenous rights, trade policy, private prison, and environmental groups to strategize on how to work together across movements to build a stronger, more unified opposition to Anti-immigrant laws and border militarization. The People’s Power Assembly will commit to one or more joint actions during the next year including at least one [inter]nationally coordinated day of local action.
