Strategic Research on US Militarism for Activist Campaigns

Course: Strategic Research on US Militarism for Activist Campaigns
Instructor: John Lindsay-Poland
Duration: 5 weeks, online
Click here to register now!

This course will address diverse ways and sources for obtaining information we need on US military plans, activities, costs and impacts to organize demilitarization campaigns. These include online sources, interviews, FOIA requests, alliances with veterans and academics, and working with journalists and legislators. We will also explore issues of accountability and ethics. Course activity will include readings, written and Internet search exercises, visual presentations through webinars and discussions (which will be recorded for use by those unable to participate in live-time), and role-plays at home.

Skills/understanding that activists will have for organizing and opposing militarism after taking this course:

  • Knowledge of the various sources of information on militarism, including FOIA
  • A basic understanding of how to work in alliances as a researcher
  • Ability to reflect critically on the ethics of research and its applcations

About the Instructor: Meet John Lindsay-Poland
John Lindsay-Poland has done research on US military policy and activities for peace and
human rights projects for 30 years. He serves as research and advocacy director of the
Fellowship of Reconciliation, and is author of Emperors in the Jungle: The Hidden History of the US in Panama (Duke University).
