AFGJ Venezuela-ALBA Weekly #201, Venezuela Fights Back Against US Economic War

The News This Week


FAIR: Exonerating the Empire in Venezuela

Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity: A Time of Urgency: Halting U.S. Political, Diplomatic, and Military Intervention in the Sovereign Affairs of the Venezuelan People and the Bolivarian Government of Nicolas Maduro

International Criminal Court plays Scripted Propaganda Role in Venezuela Regime Change Plot

In Venezuela, It’s “Democracy” if US-Backed Candidates Win, “Tyranny” if They Are Not

Equity, Change and Popular Power: Venezuelans Talk About the Bolivarian Revolution

The United States Expands Sanctions, Continues Attacks on Venezuelan

Venezuela to Expand Small-Scale Urban Agriculture

Maduro: 236,000 New Homes To Be Built Thanks To Petro; Goal of One Million More by 2019

Venezuela Has the Fourth Largest Gold Mine in the World

Nicaragua Rejects Exclusion of Venezuela From Summit of the Americas

About the Weekly

It is AfGJ’s conviction that we in the US defend Venezuela’s sovereignty and recognize that the Bolivarian Revolution has improved the lives of its citizens, led the movement toward Latin America integration, and is building participatory democracy structures that are an example for us in the US as well. -AfGJ staff

Friends – we would like to include statements, events, and actions in solidarity with Venezuela. If you are aware of any or are planning any, please send them to us: [email protected]. These may also be used as part of the redesigned international solidarity page on

Other Issues

Demand Freedom for Honduran Political Prisioners!

Anniversary of Her Murder: Honduras Resists on Berta Caceres

Say No to the Nica Act

Help Free Honduran Activist Edwin Espinal


April Human Rights Delegation to Honduras

May Peacemakers Delegation to Colombia

June Agrarian & Worker Struggle Delegation to Nicaragua

August Artist Delegation to Nicaragua
