James Patrick Jordan

Message from Hubert Ballesteros, Colombian unionist and political prisoner, to North American labor and solidarity activists

Originally published in Fight Back! News Versión en español The following message is a response to a series of questions posed to Hubert Ballesteros by James Jordan of the Alliance for Global Justice. Ballesteros was arrested while negotiating for the National Agrarian Strike of 2013 and charged with Rebellion. He was also serving on the…

Nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to say: How the broad climate movement has failed us

 Graffiti from Havana, Cuba By James Jordan (Originally published in Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal) January 13, 2016 – It has been a month since the UN climate summit in Paris, aka COP 21. One might expect the kind of ebb and flow we often see in popular movements. Interest in climate issues, the…

Tucsonans Demand “No War on Climate and People in Syria”!

by James Jordan “Climate justice and climate war don’t mix! Don’t bomb syria ” Tucsonans took that message to the office of Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) on Friday, December 11. Protesters chose the date because it fell between separate calls for protests against the war in Syria (Peace and Planet, Dec. 10), and for climate…

Water Policy and Socialism—Imagining the Possibilities

by James Jordan, from a September 26, 2015 presentation at the Salt of The Earth Labor College in Tucson, Arizona Michael Parenti has said that Capitalism takes living nature, transforms it into commodities and transforms commodities into dead capital. It takes life, soil, mineral, air and water, everything Mother Earth has to offer and transforms…

John McCain’s “midnight riders” put borderlands at risk

John McCain’s “midnight riders” put borderlands at risk Click HERE to take action! by: James Jordan September 15 2015, Originally published in the Peoples World Ever heard of “Sneaky John and the Midnight Riders”? No, it’s not the name of a rock band, not some outlaw gang from the 1800s. What it refers to is…

Protests against Peru’s Tia Maria Mine and International Solidarity

by James Jordan What does it take to stop a transnational corporate giant in its tracks when it threatens workers, farmers and communities? The people of Arequipa, Peru have an answer. Originally published in the Peoples World Unionists, rural workers, popular movements, and environmentalists are coming together in this region of southern Peru to halt…

The Peace Process in Colombia—How the United States Can Help

by James Jordan, Alliance for Global Justice Send an email to the White House and State Department demanding an end to extraditions that threaten Colombia’s peace process, and for Simón Trinidad aka Ricardo Palmera to be allowed to take his proper place at the negotiations. Click here to learn about AfGJ’s April 11-18, 2015 delegation…

Imperio de Cárceles: cómo los Estados Unidos está extendiendo el encarcelamiento en masa alrededor del mundo

por James Jordan, Alianza por la Justicia Global Traducción por Adrian Boutureira Sansberro In English Resumen… Este artículo explica cómo los Estados Unidos están exportando su modelo de encarcelamiento en masa y control social y político hacia al menos 25 países. Este ” imperialismo penitenciario” tiene sus raíces en el Programa de Mejoramiento del Sistema Penitenciario Colombiano…