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NicaNotes is a blog for Nicaragua activists and those interested in Nicaragua, published by the Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice. You can read more about the history of the blog on the About page.

NicaNotes: Benefits for Workers in Nicaragua’s Free Trade Zones: An Interview with Pedro Ortega

By Jorge Capelan [Jorge Capelán is a Latin American journalist and political analyst who has worked for many years in Nicaragua. He appears weekly on news analysis programs and writes for several online news outlets.]  Free Trade Zones (FTZs) play a very important role in Nicaragua’s struggle against poverty.  As distinct from most countries in the…

NicaNotes: What We Saw Is Not What the Corporate Media Tells the Public!

By Margaret Kimberley (Margaret Kimberley is Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report. She was an election companion with the Black Alliance for Peace delegation.) Remarks at Electoral Accompaniment Press Conference Managua, Nicaragua November 9, 2021 [You can view the entire press conference here:] My name is Margaret Kimberley and I am a member of…

NicaNotes: Letter to UNHRC about Political Exploitation of Indigenous Communities in Nicaragua

This letter, signed by solidarity, human rights, religious, labor and other organizations, has been sent to the UN Human Rights Council and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. It denounces the misrepresentation and exploitation of disputes over land in Nicaragua’s autonomous Indigenous territories for political purposes by local and international organizations which claim to represent…

NicaNotes: The Right to Defend Our Existence

By Aparicio Cienfuegos and William Camacaro “Every time President Daniel Ortega speaks, he emphasizes that the Nicaraguan government has a preferential option for the poor. It is a way of doing politics. Why do politics if we do not seek the welfare of our populations, of the majority of historically marginalized people who have lacked…