Eco-Solidarity Update Episode 3: Too Hot to Handle—War, Militarism, and Eco-Destruction

View Part One of Too Hot to Handle–War, Militarism and Eco-Destruction, a brief update on the latest news from eco-solidarity struggles

View Part Two, an especially informative round table with representatives from Alianza Mujeres Viequenses, Veterans for Peace, the Nuclear Resister, and AFGJ

This month’s Eco Solidarity Update is on the theme of how war and militarism impact climate change and other threats to the planet. Did you know that the Pentagon is the largest institutional consumer of petroleum projects and spends $81 billion per year to protect the oil industry?

Our Round Table features:

Andrea Malavé, an environmental sciences student at the University of Puerto Rico at Vieques and a spokesperson for Alianza Mujeres Viequenses

Steve Morse, from the Veterans for Peace Climate and Militarism Committee

Jack Cohen-Joppa, co-editor of the Nuclear Resister, and a member of the steering committee for the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons

Camille Landry, co-coordinator for the Alliance for Global Justice and the Lucy Parsons Popular Human Rights School. Camille’s degree is in limnology, the study of biological, chemical, and physical features of lakes and other bodies of fresh water.

The Update is hosted by Aminta Zea of and James Patrick Jordan, of AFGJ

Visit the Eco Solidarity Update playlist to see past episodes.



Send a message to South American Presidents: NO to US/NATO military in the Amazon rainforest; YES to South American summit


Learn more about the United National Anti-war Coalition’s call for a Martin Luther King Week of Actions, January 13 to 22, 2023


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