Curriculum & training — Lucy Parsons Popular Human Rights School


About our curriculum

As Brazilian philosopher and educational theorist Paulo Freire once described, “one cannot expect positive results from an educational or political action program which fails to respect the particular view of the world held by the people.” We’re studying the curricula, reporting, organizational strategies, and activist tools used by our sister organizations involved at the frontlines of popular movements in the U.S. and the Americas to train and certify a grassroots network of human rights monitors and defenders.

The Lucy Parsons Popular Human Rights School has a two-leveled curriculum:

  • Basic certification in human rights monitoring, reporting and campaigning for activists and grassroots organizers, utilizing in-person or online formats, depending on conditions
  • Advanced certification in specialized areas of human rights monitoring, reporting and campaigning, utilizing in-person or online formats, depending on conditions

The Introduction to Human Rights and Popular Struggle (level 1) seven-week course covers the following:

  • The philosophical, historical and popular roots of human rights theory & human rights as a tool for struggle
  • The structural foundations of human rights violations & the “troika of oppression”: capitalism, colonialism and patriarchy
  • The leading roles of specially targeted communities at the frontlines of popular struggle for universal human rights and collective liberation
  • The historical foundations, instruments and enforcement mechanisms of international human rights law
  • Different types of human rights violations, how to identify them and the basics of human rights observation
  • The methods and utility of documenting and denouncing human rights violations as an effective organizing strategy and basis for solidarity
  • Launching a human rights defense campaign: organizational assessments, strategies and tactics

Apply to enroll in our introductory course

“We’ve got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put fire out best with water. We say you don’t fight racism with racism. We’re gonna fight racism with solidarity.” ~ Fred Hampton

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Contact us

 email: [email protected] | phone: (202) 540-8336 ext. 603
