Chuck Kaufman

Observadores electorales internacionales, Garantizando elecciones limpias o blanqueando fraude?

En inglés: Miles de millones de electrones ya se han gastado en escribir sobre las elecciones presidenciales de Honduras del 24 de noviembre de 2013. Como observador electoral y líder de una delegación de 55 monitores organizada por la Alianza por la Justicia Global (Alliance for Global Justice-AfGJ) y el Marin Task Force on the…

Ensuring Clean Elections or Whitewashing Fraud?

International Election Monitors in Honduras: Do They Ensure Clean Elections or Whitewash Fraud? Written by Chuck Kaufman Early on the morning of Sunday, December 1, people started gathering at the National Pedagogic University in Tegucigalpa with homemade signs to speak out against stealing of the presidential elections. This one reads “Stop the Fraud.” Photo…

Return to Rigores, Honduras

By Chuck Kaufman On Jan. 9, 2012 an Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) delegation of US and Canadians visited the farming community of Rigores, Honduras in the fertile Aguan Valley near the country’s Caribbean Coast. It was a far different visit than was experienced by a previous AfGJ delegation just six months earlier. On that…

Occupy Wall Street, Fiscal Sponsorships & the Alliance for Global Justice

By Chuck Kaufman (AFGJ National Co-Coordinator) The Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) and its predecessor and founder, the Nicaragua Network, have been well-known grassroots organizations within the Central and Latin America solidarity movement and the anti-corporate globalization movement for over three decades. For probably 25 years we’ve used our 501(c)(3) non-profit tax status to fiscally…