Trade, economics & globalization (neoliberalism)

Cultural Genocide and the Assaults on the Rio Yaqui

by James Patrick Jordan “This is a body of water named for the people themselves…. They’ve been living there since before the invaders showed up. For that to be taken away leaves the people high and dry. It’s immoral.” Para leer este artículo en español Read the People’s Human Rights Observatory Statement of Solidarity with…


Statement of Solidarity with the Yaqui People by the People’s Human Rights Observatory and CODEP (Comité de Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo) PARA LEER EN ESPAÑOL Click here to call for the freedom of Fidencio Aldama Pérez, Yaqui political prisoner We are the men and women that inhabit the South of Mexico, primarily original…

Stop the Nica Act – Send A Letter to Your Senator!

Oppose the nica act in congress

This action call is a joint effort of Friends of the ATC ( ATC is Nicaragua’s Rural Workers Assocation) and the Alliance for Global Justice                 On Friday December 23rd, the day before the Congressional recess and on the same day that the US government congratulated Juan Orlando Hernandez…

Carta Abierta a Fensuagro, la Marcha Patriótica y el Pueblo Colombiano

In English Queridas hermanos y camaradas: Es con una tristeza profunda que les escribimos para ofrecer nuestras condolencias por las víctimas de los recientes ataques contra sus organizaciones y contra todo el proceso de paz. Hemos sabido que 72 defensores de derechos laborales y humanos, activistas por la paz, dirigentes indígenas y ambientalistas han sido…

Wave of Right-Wing Violence Threatens Peace for Colombia

by James Jordan Amid expectations of a successful completion of peace negotiations this month, Colombia has experienced a wave of paramilitary and military assaults. These have occurred while the leader of Colombia’s far right, ex-president Álvaro Uribe, has called for an April 2nd march against the negotiations. As extremists prepare to protest legally, their ideological…

Nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to say: How the broad climate movement has failed us

 Graffiti from Havana, Cuba By James Jordan (Originally published in Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal) January 13, 2016 – It has been a month since the UN climate summit in Paris, aka COP 21. One might expect the kind of ebb and flow we often see in popular movements. Interest in climate issues, the…

If We Want to Save the World – An Internationalist Declaration

The same imperialism that has caused so much damage to the Global South today continues expanding and threatening the whole planet. Consequently, the struggle for climate justice has converted into a struggle for the liberation of all workers, peasants, indigenous and ecosystems. The struggle against Empire is a struggle to save life on Earth. (Originally…

Water Policy and Socialism—Imagining the Possibilities

by James Jordan, from a September 26, 2015 presentation at the Salt of The Earth Labor College in Tucson, Arizona Michael Parenti has said that Capitalism takes living nature, transforms it into commodities and transforms commodities into dead capital. It takes life, soil, mineral, air and water, everything Mother Earth has to offer and transforms…

Protests against Peru’s Tia Maria Mine and International Solidarity

by James Jordan What does it take to stop a transnational corporate giant in its tracks when it threatens workers, farmers and communities? The people of Arequipa, Peru have an answer. Originally published in the Peoples World Unionists, rural workers, popular movements, and environmentalists are coming together in this region of southern Peru to halt…