
Not One More.

Today’s NY Times editorial calls on Obama to act now without waiting for Congress to fix immigration and stop needless deportations. Call the White House at (202) 456-1111 TELL THEM: NOT ONE MORE DEPORTATION!  SHUT DOWN STREAMLINE! End Operation Streamline! Stop the Deportations! We want real immigration reform with legalization for all! No more militarization of the…

Act Now to End Operation Streamline and the Criminalization of Migrants

by Chuck Kaufman, National Co-Coordinator, Alliance for Global Justice   Operation Streamline is the “best kept secret” of federal immigration policy according to Tucson, AZ attorney and immigrant rights activist Isabel Garcia. In the early morning of Oct. 11, twelve activists, including me, chained themselves around the front tires of two Border Patrol buses which…

Anti-Repression and Prison Industrial Complex

Tear Down the Walls People’s Power Assembly, Scheduled for Sunday, November 3 at 8:30-11:15 A.M. Freedom of speech, assembly, privacy and dissent are regarded as a birthright. Yet increasingly dissent is being criminalized. Spurred by Edward Snowden’s revelations, a Washington Post study has revealed that the US government has over 850,000 federal and private employees…

Shutdown the Shutdown Talking Points and Resources

Compiled by Peace Action’s Move the Money Working Group We need to find ways to connect the current Congressional crisis with the ongoing struggle to change national spending priorities: Move the Money from wars and weapons to fund jobs, human services and diplomacy. Two immediate actions we can take: 1. Public education: Letters to the…

Reasons for your org to come to TDTW

Why should my organization be part of TEAR DOWN THE WALLS this November? Because we are not alone. Trying to change the world can feel like a lonely business. No one group, no one person can do it. It takes collective effort, involving conversations across groups and working together on united efforts. Because he seeds of…

Convocatoria para un día de solidaridad internacional con el proceso de paz del pueblo colombiano

15 de Octubre, 2013:  Día de Solidaridad Internacional con el Proceso de Paz en Colombia Para más información:  [email protected] Esta Convocatoria proviene con el apoyo de la Marcha Patriótica, Lazos de Dignidad, FENSUAGRO, y el Comité Permanente en Defensa de los Derechos Humanos. Es el momento para que el mundo entero tome la firme decisión…

Travel Subsidy Proposals for Tear Down The Walls National Gathering

Alliance for Global Justice has committed funds for travel subsidies to ensure that Tear Down the Walls is diverse and represents the broad range of activists and organizations in the progressive/revolutionary movement in the US. Our priorities include subsidizing group travel, and subsidizing economically disadvantaged sectors of the movement. Our goal is to subsidize so…