21 search results for "dismissing the truth"

NicaNotes: Forgiveness: A Revolutionary Trait

By Chuck Kaufman The willingness of the Sandinista government to go to almost any lengths to achieve national peace and tranquility, including pardoning the crimes of those in the opposition who killed, tortured, burned homes, schools, markets, and public buildings in last year’s failed coup attempt, is consistent with their historical record. Recall that the…

Venezuela-ALBA Weekly 3.1.2019 Reports from the Street in Venezuela; Cuban people vote on their new Constitution

Telesur series: Venezuela Confronts US-backed Right-wing Coup From PBS (of all places) Why Venezuela’s Chavistas are fiercely loyal to Maduro, despite economic crisis Gloria La Riva: Dispatch from Venezuela: the government’s massive food distribution apparatus Vijay Prashad: Notes From the Streets of Venezuela—The People Are Resilient in the Face of Foreign Intervention Debunking Four Mistruths…

NicaNotes: Reconciliation Does Not Mean Forgetting in Nicaragua

By Jill Clark-Gollub (Jill Clark-Gollub organizes study delegations to Nicaragua and has published in outlets including COHA, Popular Resistance, and Alliance for Global Justice.) [This article was first published in Counterpunch on March 3, 2023.] Hybrid warfare tactics, including information warfare and the co-opting of human rights groups, make it hard to tell the good…

NicaNotes: Nicaragua: Virtual reality and human rights

July 5th 2020 By Stephen Sefton, Tortilla con Sal Ever since January 2007, the Western human rights industry has attacked Nicaragua’s Sandinista government for being undemocratic and repressive. For over a decade, Nicaragua’s social and economic development and successive democratic elections repeatedly contradicted that mendacious narrative. Frustrated by Nicaragua’s embarrassing example of undeniable, sovereign, socialist-inspired social…

NicaNotes: While Nicaragua returns to peace, media and international NGOs conjure epidemic of violence with dubious reporting

Media bias against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government is unremitting, and international NGOs are feeding it by misreporting a violent land dispute in the Bosawás nature reserve. By John Perry (This article was originally published by Graystone Project, Feb. 19, 2020 https://thegrayzone.com/2020/02/19/nicaragua-peace-media-international-ngos-violence-reporting/ Here’s a headline you won’t see in the corporate media: Nicaragua is at peace. After…