Venezuela & ALBA News #510, 6.14.2024: Washington Responds to Venezuela Elections with Regime Change Propaganda; US Seeking to Manipulate Cuban Currency as it did with the Venezuelan


Al Mayadeen: Cuba President: Palestine focal point of ‘global struggle for justice’ Cuban President Diaz-Canel lamented the indifference practiced by some toward Palestine and Gaza and warned them that history will judge those who remain indifferent to the plight of Palestinians. “That [Palestine] is the location that defines the global struggle for justice and dignity,” he added, stressing that “history will judge those who remain indifferent to the plight of Palestinians.”

Granma: About the financial war that is being waged against us The first phase of this economic war, which seeks to destroy the Revolution, has consisted of limiting the entry of foreign currency into the country as much as possible. The second includes the use of platforms such as El Toque, to stimulate inflation. Similar procedures were carried out by that country in Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Argentina (Dólar Blue via Telegram) and Venezuela (Dólar Today via website). According to this medium, financed by the US Government, “reliable” data from the informal market is taken to calculate the rates, and then the median purchase and sale in foreign currency is used in social media groups and classified sites.

Granma: What is the story behind the operators of El Toque? As they did with Dolar Today in Venezuela, the US Government ‘secretly” finances El Toque The US is manipulating the price of the Cuban peso to create serious economic problems, as it did in Venezuela.


RT: Venezuela Reveals White House Offers for Maduro to Leave Presidency  National Assembly President Jorge Rodríguez revealed in a press conference the “offers” Washington officials have made to President Maduro to leave the Venezuelan presidency. “In Mexico, the gringos asked for a meeting, and Maduro told me: ‘Go see what the gringos want,’” said Rodríguez, who also served as head of the government delegation in the dialogues with the opposition. “And do you know what they told me? ‘Let Maduro choose the country where he wants to go. We will give him a few million dollars; we will give him a big house.’ I kept looking at him. Does this man [without mentioning a name] know who Simón Bolívar is?… What is this man talking to me about? ” Rodríguez recalled asking himself. Given the information received, the president questioned him: “And what did you do?” Rodriguez responded: “What you told me to do, send them to hell.”

Observando los Medios: Extreme Right wing opposition planning Violence in Presidential Elections A summary of the US-backed rightwing’s plans for election violence.

Ultima Noticias: Chavista PSUV Presidential Election Campaign 1x10x7 The PSUV’s electoral strategy of 1x10x7 explained: Each militant will have control of 10 people and ensure that they go to vote on July 28. Why 7? Maduro said that things are organized in “the seven forces of the country, seven forces with which we will celebrate Commander Chávez’s 70th birthday on July 28.” These forces are the following and for each one there is someone responsible for the political direction: PSUV: Team coordinated by Diosdado Cabello and Pedro Infante; CLAP social strength: coordinated by Carlos Leal Tellería; Fighters of sovereignty and peace: coordinated by Francisco Ameliach; Communal councils, communes and social movements: coordinated by Héctor Rodríguez, Ángel Prado and Jorge Arreaza; Great Simón Bolívar Patriotic Pole: coordinated by Ricardo Sánchez, Vanessa Montero and Gabriela Jiménez; Indigenous and aboriginal movements of Venezuela: coordinated by Clara Vidal; Missions: coordinated by Mervin Maldonado, Génesis Garvett, Dheliz Álvarez, Magaly Viña and Rosinés Chávez.

FAIR: New York Times Ramps Up Venezuela Propaganda Ahead of Elections Over the past 25 years of US-sponsored coups and economic sanctions, Western corporate media have always proven a reliable source of regime-change propaganda to back Washington’s policies. Coverage builds to a frenzy around elections, whether driven by a (misguided) hope that US surrogates will win, or by a desire to delegitimize anticipated Chavista victories. With two months to go, Western outlets are busy crafting familiar narratives, and leading the charge is the New York Times. Not busy enough with its genocide-endorsing coverage of Gaza, the paper of record was keen to back yet another key US foreign policy interest. In a flurry of recent articles, the Times laid down plenty of bias, distortions and outright lies.

Venezuelanalysis: President Maduro Appoints El Maizal’s Ángel Prado Minister of Communes President Maduro has named communard Ángel Prado as the new minister of communes and social movements.Prado, current mayor of Simón Planas and spokesperson from El Maizal Commune, is one of the most respected figures in Venezuela’s popular movements. “I need a leader that comes from the grassroots, from a successful project like El Maizal, to be in charge of the battalion tasked with building communes and communal councils,” Maduro said. Founded in 2009, El Maizal is one of Venezuela’s most renowned communes. It brings together 22 communal councils split between Lara and Portuguesa states, with an estimated 4,500 families in its territory. In a subsequent interview, the communard announced a “national meeting” of communes and popular movements to strengthen grassroots organization in the Caribbean nation. “We may have become a bit disarticulated in recent times, but now is the time to join forces,” Prado stated. “There are plenty of challenges ahead, chief among them winning the upcoming presidential election on July 28.”

TeleSur: Venezuela Greets the Russian People on Anniversary of Sovereignty Declaration “This June 12 marks the 34th anniversary of Russia Day, which commemorates the Declaration of National Sovereignty in 1990 when the Russian Federation was born. On behalf of President Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela joins the celebration of the brother Russian people, with which we have strong and unbreakable ties of friendship and cooperation,” Gil said. He congratulated President Vladimir Putin, highlighting that his leadership and wisdom have ushered in a new and vigorous era in the Russian nation. “Venezuela expresses its recognition of the invaluable role that the Russian Federation plays in the consolidation of multilateralism, as a guarantee of international peace and security, as well as its positive leadership in the construction of the multipolar world, making special mention of its work to strengthen of the BRICS strategic alliance, in the search for a more just and balanced world order.”

St. Vincent Times: “Venezuela Nuestra” Campaign shares the truth about the country with 90 countries Vice President Delcy Rodriguez detailed how Venezuelans are facing the impact caused by the 930 unilateral coercive measures and the economic blockade imposed by the US government. “Venezuela has been the victim of a sanctioning regime that has severely affected its economy. The entire regulatory framework of labor relations in Venezuela has been disturbed to an extreme when 100% universal coverage was guaranteed. A social security system, with more than 5.5 million pensioners, was also the heart of the criminal blockade attack against Venezuela.” Rodriguez clarified that the Venezuelan people have sought “ways to produce their own food, which had been 90% imported. Today, 97% of the food distributed through the CLAP social program to more than seven million families per month is food produced in Venezuela.” Venezuela continues “advancing in the consolidation of a multicentric and pluripolar world, vindicating the right to self-determination of the peoples. We must continue vindicating our historical roots, nobody gave us independence as a gift, we fought for it, we battled for it and we went to lay our foundation stone in South American independence.”

Ultima Noticias: In the UN, Venezuela Foreign Minister Gil denounces attempted dispossession of CITGO  Yván Gil, denounced the attempt to illegally strip Venezuela of the CITGO, the indisputable and sovereign heritage of the Venezuelan people. He explained that Venezuela runs this risk due to a lawfare operation by a Delaware court, with the support of fictitious Venezuelan representatives only recognized by Washington. It is for that reason, Gil explained, “the American delegation disassociated itself from the overwhelming election of Venezuela as vice president of this General Assembly.” He indicated that “they intend to perpetuate a farce to, with the support of their local agents, continue looting assets in Venezuela and beyond.”

Gil emphasized that the special US licenses issued as exceptions to their sanctions “are actually a valve for administering collective punishment. A mechanism of economic neocolonialization, which establishes conditions by the aggressor states, and which adjusts to the political and economic interests of private corporations and the government of the aggressor state… These are licenses to dominate and manage pain, to deepen and extend the time of the structural lapses of economic and financial dependence, already supported by an unjust system, and designed to suit the interests of the North to bend the sovereignty and determination of the people.”


Chicago ALBA Solidarity: $6,000 Matching Fund to fulfill Code Pink project to raise $55,000 to send Milk for Cuba’s Children Code Pink and Carlos Lazo, founder of Puentes de Amor, are raising $55,000 to send milk to Cuba for hospitalized children. They are close to fulfilling their goal, now at $48,000. We are having a $6,000 matching fund to help raise the rest so the milk can be sent.

Global Health Partners: Help us to send cardiac pacemakers to Cubans who need them to survive. And act to stop the U.S. government’s economic siege of Cuba  So far, the US-European campaign has raised $80,000 of the $150,000 goal in three weeks.


Delegations to Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua

  1. AFGJ Delegation to Venezuela July 21-31Join us in Venezuela during its presidential elections to witness, experience and learn about popular democracy in action and celebrate 22 years of the Bolivarian Revolution since the attempted coup against President Hugo Chávez.
  2. Cuba Delegations
  1. Nicaragua Delegations Casa Ben Linder 2024 delegations
  • Email [email protected] to apply:
    • November 8-17 2024: Salud & Solidaridad: Hands-On Healthcare in Nicaragua  
    • February 2025: The Bird Brigade: Birding in Solentiname Arquipelago 
    • March 2025: Power & Protagonism: Women in Nicaragua 

If you have events to publicize or find helpful articles for readers on the ALBA countries, please send them to [email protected],  or you can post them on Facebook here: Venezuela; Nicaragua; Bolivia; Latin America in general (here or here) Or send them to  [email protected]
