21 search results for "dismissing the truth"

NicaNotes: Dismissing the Truth Debunks Amnesty International’s Misleading Reports

By Chuck Kaufman On Tuesday, February 26, the Alliance for Global Justice and the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group (UK) released a report, Dismissing the Truth, that exhaustively rebuts two reports on human rights in Nicaragua in 2018 by Amnesty International. The Amnesty International reports accuse the democratically-elected government of Nicaragua of “a strategy of…

Dismissing the Truth: Why Amnesty International is Wrong about Nicaragua

Dismissing the Truth Debunks Amnesty International’s Misleading Reports On Tuesday, February 26, the Alliance for Global Justice and the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group (UK) released a report, Dismissing the Truth, that exhaustively rebuts two reports on human rights in Nicaragua in 2018 by Amnesty International. The Amnesty International reports accuse the democratically-elected government of…

NicaNotes: The Human Rights Industry and Nicaragua

by John Perry [This article was first published in Covert Action Magazine on February 6, 2024] John Perry is based in Masaya, Nicaragua, and writes for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, London Review of Books, FAIR and other outlets. Why do United Nations human rights bodies focus on some countries, but not others? Why do…

NicaNotes: The United Nations is Being Used by the U.S. in its Propaganda War Against Nicaragua

By John Perry (John Perry is based in Masaya, Nicaragua, and writes for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, London Review of Books, FAIR and elsewhere.) [This article was first published in Covert Action Magazine.] A biased new report lends weight to U.S. regime-change operations targeting the Sandinista government. While the United States pays little regard…

NicaNotes: What Can We Do?

By Laura Wells (Laura Wells is a Latin America solidarity activist living in Oakland, California. She has participated in a dozen Latin American political delegations since 2005.) This article about Nicaragua reverses the typical order, it starts with the question of “What can we do?” and ends with a bit of history, Nicaragua’s and mine.…

NicaNotes: Nicaraguans in Costa Rica: A Manufactured “Refugee” Crisis

Reprinted from March 23, 2020, Council on Hemispheric Affairs http://www.coha.org/nicaraguans-in-costa-rica-a-manufactured-refugee-crisis/ By John Perry From Masaya, Nicaragua The situation has mostly normalized in Nicaragua and yet the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is promoting an imminent refugee crisis narrative. 80% of the recent asylum requests came from people who had been living and working…

Venezuela-ALBA Weekly #277, 11.8.2019: US and Neoliberalism being dealt a Defeat in Latin America

Final Declaration of the Anti-Imperialist Encounter of Solidarity for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism a clear statement from the conference, showing who imperialism is backing in Latin America and pointing out its regime change operations. Cuba UN condemnation of US blockade on Cuba: 187 votes in favor of Cuba leave the United States looking even more…

NicaNotes: ‘Human rights’ propaganda against Nicaragua out of Costa Rica

Reprinted from tortillaconsal.com , 26/10/2019 By John Perry Some of the local ‘human rights’ organisations in Nicaragua, which received foreign funding and operated as propaganda vehicles against the government, lost their legal status earlier this year. One of these was CENIDH, run by Vilma Nuñez. Several of the CENIDH staff, including Gonzalo Carrión, one of its…