Press release (June 24, 2024): Petition delivery at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations: Hundreds of human rights organizations and individuals demand respect for Venezuela’s sovereignty

Alliance for Global Justice sends this press release on behalf of the Venezuela Solidarity Network

Press release: For immediate release
Media contact: William Camacaro, Alliance for Global Justice
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (202) 540-8336 Ext. 501

JUNE 24, 2024 — At 4 pm EST, in front of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, Venezuela Solidarity Network will deliver a petition addressed to UN experts and authorities calling attention to the assassination plots against President Nicolás Maduro and demanding respect for Venezuela’s sovereignty. (Learn more)

Over the past eight months, at least six assassination attempts against President Maduro have taken place, each pointing to different North American agencies as the intellectual authors of those attacks. Protestors will deliver a petition addressed to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, the International Law Commission, UN Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights Alena Douhan and Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order Livingstone Sewanyana requesting an international investigation into these assassination attempts.

The petition is signed by hundreds of organizations and individuals committed to defending peace, human rights and international law across all seven continents. It affirms that the Convention obliges states to prevent, investigate and punish acts of violence against internationally protected persons.

Since the Bolivarian Revolution came to power in the late 90s, the United States has not ceased its attacks against the Latin American integration project. Assassination attempts first against President Chávez and now against President Maduro, sanctions against the oil industry, electrical sabotage and all kinds of hybrid warfare continue to target Venezuela’s sovereign people and government. Attempts by the United States to intervene in Venezuela’s sovereign affairs have only amplified in the months leading up to its July 28 elections.

The lead organizer of the sign-on campaign, William Camacaro of Alliance for Global Justice, comments:

“The relationship between the United States and its American neighbors has been one of constant conflict, coups d’état and imposed dictatorship. The tragedies of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala, Salvador Allende in Chile, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán in Colombia, Manuel Zelaya in Honduras and Fernando Lugo in Paraguay go down in history as examples. Today we are witnessing more than 24 years of North American interventionism in Venezuela: first against President Hugo Chávez, followed by oil sabotage and destructive sanctions on Venezuela’s economy, the 2019 U.S.-backed coup attempts and most recently the assassination plots against President Maduro. Enough is enough. The United States must dedicate itself to rebuilding its own country, its own economy and giving its citizens a good life. The U.S. must abandon its commitment to perpetual war and necropolitics, especially in such a critical moment when all human beings are crying out for peace. On July 28, popular will and peace will triumph in Venezuela!”
