
“We resist death, we want to live!” An appeal to US workers from Colombian rural workers

Colombia’s largest federation of rural workers’ unions calls for solidarity with Colombian workers and social movements in their struggle for a just and durable peace. Enemies of peace in Colombia are waging a campaign of violence against farming, indigenous, and Afro-Colombian communities, killing their leaders and displacing people from their homes. Call to International Solidarity…

AFGJ’s Workshops at SOA Watch Border Encuentro

SOA WATCh Border Encuentro AFGJ's Workshops

Register for the Encuentro Join AFGJ at our 2 Workshops on Saturday, November 11 Prison Imperialism Alliance for Global Justice, Witness Against Torture Olmec Room, 2:15-3:45 The United States is spreading its model of mass incarceration around the world. The US government has prison management programs in at least 33 different countries, mainly to majority…

National Strike for Peace in Colombia – A Call for Solidarity

A National Strike for Peace in Colombia has been called in Colombia to demand steps to protect peace accords that are in danger of failure. The strike was called at the end of a particularly bloody October, with 23 activists killed in 23 days. The death toll includes 11 peaceful protesters attacked on October 5…

URGENT! Colombia’s National Strike is Under Attack in Catatumbo! Please act now!

PLEASE ACT NOW! Click here to send a message to Colombian authorities! Send an email to the White House demanding an end to policies that promote repression in Colombia! Your action is needed urgently! Right now anti-riot police in Colombia are attacking a nonviolent demonstration in Catatumbo, Colombia that is in support of the National…

Massacre in Tumaco – US Pushes for More Repression

by James Jordan The Colombian National Police massacred between 8 and 16 persons, wounding more than 50, in the municipality of Tumaco, Nariño on Thursday afternoon, October 5, 2017. The attack was directed against protesting coca growing families demanding the government fulfill its commitments to voluntary eradication programs. Additionally, on Sunday, October 8, 2017, the…

Support the People’s Caravan against Border Walls!

Resilience and Resistance from Oaxaca: People’s Unity Against the Walls of Infamy Please Donate to Support the Cost of the Historic Caravan Against Border Walls! From its base in Oaxaca, the People’s Human Rights Observatory (Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos) is forging new paths of solidarity. Whether standing in the way of paramilitary…

International Declaration of Solidarity with Popular Movements of the United States in Resistance

The People’s Human Rights Observatory (Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos) energetically rejects the interventionist, repressive, fascist, and racist policies of the government of Donald Trump that makes attempts against the sovereignty and dignity of the peoples of the world. 1) In its own territory, this government is threatening and violently attacking African Americans,…

Declaración de Solidaridad Internacional con los Movimientos Populares de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica en Resistencia

El Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos rechaza enérgicamente la política intervencionista, represiva, fascista y racista del gobierno de Donald Trump que atenta contra la soberanía y dignidad de los pueblos del mundo. 1) En su propio territorio, amenazando y agrediendo violentamente a los negros, los indocumentados, los indígenas y a las manifestaciones populares.…

July 10, 2017 Call-in and International Colombia Solidarity Actions

The Alliance for Global Justice is finishing its current delegation to Colombia by holding a demonstration outside the US Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia, Monday, July 10, at 10:30am. The demonstration is also endorsed by Lazos de Dignidad, the People’s Human Rights Observatory, and the Coordination for Human Rights in the Americas. Our demands are: Free…