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NicaNotes is a blog for Nicaragua activists and those interested in Nicaragua, published by the Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice. You can read more about the history of the blog on the About page.

Nicanotes: Sandinistas Sweep Nicaragua Municipal Elections

By Katherine Hoyt Katherine Hoyt is the former National Coordinator of the Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice. The results of Nicaragua Municipal Elections on Sunday affirmed that voters credit the Sandinista party for the country’s stability and economic progress. The elections were accompanied by two different international teams of observers and over 5,000 internal monitors.…

Nicanotes: The Battle of San Jacinto and the Image David and Goliath in Nicaragua

Molotova Man taken by Susan Meiselas on July 16, 1979. It is a famous image of the Sandinista Revolution and has been widely appropriated for other works of art and was used in a billboard for the September commemorations of 1986 which said “A los130 años, el enemigo es el mismo,” which translates as “After 130 years, the enemy is the same.”

By John Kotula September in Nicaragua sees the celebration of two important dates of liberation and anti-imperialism. One is Independence Day on September, 15 marking the end of Spain’s colonial rule in 1821. The other is a day earlier; the remembrance of The Battle of San Jacinto which occurred on September 14, 1856. The events are celebrated with…

NicaNotes: Movie Review: American Made: Reagan’s Drug Running & The Drug War Featuring Tom Cruise

  By John Kotula According to Rotten Tomatoes, the new Tom Cruise movie, “American Made,” opened in the US on September 27. It opened earlier, playing at the mall in Managua. Never being one to pass up air-conditioning, I went, munched popcorn and thoroughly enjoyed it, as did the Nicaraguan audience that filled the theater. Their laughter was a couple of…

Nicanotes: Movie Review: American Made: Reagan’s Drug Running and Drug War Featuring Tom Cruise

By John Kotula According to Rotten Tomatoes, the new Tom Cruise movie, “American Made,” opened in the US on September 27. It opened earlier, playing at the mall in Managua. Never being one to pass up air-conditioning, I went, munched popcorn and thoroughly enjoyed it, as did the Nicaraguan audience that filled the theater. Their laughter was a couple of seconds…

Take Action – Nica Act Could be Voted on Any Day Now- Contact your Representative!

The NICA Act could be scheduled for a vote in the House of Representatives at any time. Act NOW to tell your Representative to vote NO! Click Here to Send a Message to Your Representative.   Dear Representative _________________,   I am writing to oppose the Nicaraguan Investment Conditionality Act (NICA) of 2017, H.R. 1918. The result of…