973 search results for "Nicaragua"

Join Noam Chomsky, Others: Free Lily!

Noam Chomsky, labor writer David Bacon, Sanctuary Movement and No More Deaths Founder, Rev. John Fife and immigrant rights organizer, Isabel García are among those calling for freedom for Colombian Political Prisoner, Liliany Obando. Would you join them by endorsing a Friend of the Court statement on behalf of Ms. Obando that will be submitted…

Christian Science Monitor Attacks Ortega

On Aug. 25, The Christian Science Monitor published an article entitled, “Nicaraguans say US turns blind eye to abuses of Daniel Ortega.” As with other articles about Nicaragua published by the US corporate press over the past three decades, it would take more words than the original article to debunk all the lies, innuendos, and…

July/August Global Justice Monitor Now Available

We have just released our July/August edition of the Global Justice Monitor. It includes the following articles: US Military Surge in Costa Rica Six Months After the Quake Organizers’ Conference Building a Movement Against US Militarism Day of Action Against US Militarism News from Nicaragua To read the latest edition, please click here.

7,000 US Troops and 46 Warships Descend on Costa Rica

Despite the fact that Costa Rica is widely regarded as a pacifist nation due to its decision not to have its own military forces, the country controversially granted the US permission to send 7,000 troops and 46 warships (along with their accompanying airplanes and helicopters) to Costa Rica through the end of the year. Officially,…

Updates on Past Alerts & New Delegations

UPDATES: The Peruvian indigenous leader that was detained, Alberto Pizango, was released on bail the following day. Thank you for your support in showing the Peruvian government that the international community is watching. It appears at this time that he will still face trial for the charges against him pertaining to “inciting” the June 2009…


Welcome to the Respect for Democracy Campaign website. The Respect for Democracy Campaign is an ongoing project in favor of broad based, participatory democracy, and against efforts to undermine democratic processes around the world. When elections are manipulated, it is usually to benefit an elite few by taking power from working families and communities–from real,…

What is NED?

“Democracy building” is one of the core beliefs of neoconservatives. But what they call democracy and what most people think of as democracy bear very little resemblance to each other. Neoconservatives are obsessed to maintaining and expanding US power. It is about realizing their vision of a “New American Century.” This is incompatible with real…