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NicaNotes is a blog for Nicaragua activists and those interested in Nicaragua, published by the Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice. You can read more about the history of the blog on the About page.

NicaNotes: What Can We Do?

By Laura Wells (Laura Wells is a Latin America solidarity activist living in Oakland, California. She has participated in a dozen Latin American political delegations since 2005.) This article about Nicaragua reverses the typical order, it starts with the question of “What can we do?” and ends with a bit of history, Nicaragua’s and mine.…

NicaNotes: NPR Should Ask Where Nicaraguan Non-Profits Get Their Money

By John Perry (This article was originally published on May 24th by CounterPunch here: ) Imagine what would happen if the US media discovered that a candidate in the mid-term elections was under investigation by the FBI for receiving money from a foreign government. Then, suppose it was one that’s hostile to the US,…

NicaNotes: A Briefing on Electoral Reforms in Nicaragua

By Louise Richards (This article was published by the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group (UK) on May 17 on their web page: ) With approval ratings for the government of Daniel Ortega and the FSLN consistently high, it is looking increasingly likely that they will be re-elected in November 2021. A national M&R Consultores…

NicaNotes: Nicaragua and Central American migration

By Stephen Sefton The current migration crisis of people from Central America traveling across Mexico to reach the United States has received widespread international coverage. Some reports and articles rightly point to the origins of the crisis in destructive US foreign policy intervention over many decades in Central America. But even many of those articles…

NicaNotes: IF WE’RE AT WAR, WE’RE LOSING: How Nicaragua Thrives Despite Illegal U.S. Intervention

Text and Photos by Madeline McClure In March, 2021, I traveled to Nicaragua as a delegate with the Sanctions Kill! Coalition delegation to witness the impact of the “coercive measures” the U.S. uses to impose its political and economic interests, rationalized by its allegations of repression and political crisis. Yet rather than find a people…

NicaNotes: Violence against Women: Lessons from Nicaragua

By Louise Richards Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Committee. [This article was published by the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Committee (NSCAG) on March 24, 2021, at “In truth, the violence which we must eradicate in all its forms is violence against women – it destroys us, diminishes us, denigrates us, humiliates us all, not just…