
Nicanotes: An Appeal for Support

The Alliance for Global Justice started its activist life as the Nicaragua Network way back in February, 1979, six months before the Triumph of the Sandinista Revolution. During the 1980s we took thousands of people to Nicaragua to pick coffee, build health centers and schools, plant trees, and generally witness for themselves the reality of…

Colombia Fact Sheet

by Alice Loaiza, California Chapter of the Marcha Patriótica WHY THE US WON’T SUPPORT PEACE IN COLOMBIA 1. The US has never supported peace in Colombia starting with Plan Lazo and the counterinsurgency team sent to Colombia by the US  to crush Marquetalia and the intervention of Brigadier   General Yarborough who visited Colombia in…

Tear Down the Walls Mexico Delegation, March 10-20, 2017: While Trump demands Mexico build us a border wall, the US is Building Prison Walls in Mexico—What’s going on?

The United States is building walls and militarizing both the US-Mexico border and Mexico’s southern border. The US is also building prison walls throughout Mexico and militarizing police as living walls to repress and reign in popular movements. When Mexican police fire on striking teachers and normal school students, they’re using weapons made in the…

Carta Abierta a Fensuagro, la Marcha Patriótica y el Pueblo Colombiano

In English Queridas hermanos y camaradas: Es con una tristeza profunda que les escribimos para ofrecer nuestras condolencias por las víctimas de los recientes ataques contra sus organizaciones y contra todo el proceso de paz. Hemos sabido que 72 defensores de derechos laborales y humanos, activistas por la paz, dirigentes indígenas y ambientalistas han sido…

An Open Letter to Fensuagro, the Marcha Patriótica and All the Colombian People

En español Dear Sisters, Brothers, Friends and Comrades, It is with deep sorrow that we write to express our condolences for the recent assaults against your organizations and against the entire process for peace. We have learned that 72 human and labor rights defenders, peace activists, indigenous leaders and environmentalists were assassinated in 2016 alone.…