Rally announcement: Celebrate and Defend the Sovereignty of Latin American and Caribbean Countries!

Sunday, July 16, 2 pm ET in front of the White House, Washington, DC

Can’t make it? Watch our livestream!

July is an important month for the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean! July 19th is the anniversary of the Sandinista People’s Revolution in Nicaragua, AND the Third Takeover of Lima by the indigenous, rural peoples of Peru who have been resisting the coup against elected President Pedro Castillo since December 7, 2022. And July 26th is the anniversary of Comandante Fidel’s attack on the Moncada barracks.

Our demands are:

  • Celebrate and Defend the SOVEREIGNTY of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela!
  • Solidarity with the people of Peru, Haiti, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico and other countries struggling to achieve full SOVEREIGNTY!
  • U.S. Hands Off Latin America and the Caribbean!

Endorsing organizations:

Friends of Latin America / PEX Semillas de Libertad / Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition / Frente de Mujeres Internacionalistas por la Justicia y la Paz / WILPF-DMV / Black Alliance for Peace Haiti-Americas Team / Alliance for Global Justice / Casa Baltimore-Limay / Baltimore Phil Berrigan Veterans For Peace / Peoples Power Assembly Baltimore / Socialist Unity Party / Women In Struggle/Mujeres en Lucha / D-19 Libre (of Honduras) US-Canada-Costa Rica / CODEPINK / Popular Resistance / Claudia Jones School for Political Education/ ANSWER Coalition / Party for Socialism and Liberation / CPUSA Baltimore club/Solidarity Committee of the Americas
