Yes to democracy, no to imperialism: Declaration in defense of the Bolivarian Revolution on the road to the integration of peoples

The ALBA solidarity movement re-affirms its absolute support for the legitimate president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro

The Continental Articulation of Social and Popular Movements Towards ALBA is a platform that brings together more than 400 organizations from 25 countries fighting for the unity and integration of Our America in pursuit of an emancipatory political project that represents the richness and diversity of the anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-colonial, anti-racist, feminist and socialist struggle. Read their most recent statement below.


Declaration in defense of the Bolivarian Revolution on the road to the integration of peoples

The Continental Articulation of Social and Popular Movements of ALBA expresses our unrestricted solidarity and commitment to the Bolivarian Revolution and the government of President Nicolás Maduro. In recent months, the president, hand in hand with the Venezuelan people, has continued a process of deep and permanent discussion, through the 7 Transformations, where the will to continue deepening the Bolivarian Revolution through a model of protagonist and participatory democracy in strict adherence to the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been shown.

In this process, the people not only elect their rulers, but also build the plans of the government and their contributions are fundamental for the construction and deepening of the living process of the revolution. In this context, we understand that the statement of comrade Pepe Mujica is contradictory to reality and therefore mistaken.

The Bolivarian Revolution has been an example of participatory and protagonist democracy and the Venezuelan people have openly shown their sovereign decision to continue raising the banners of anti-imperialist revolution, socialism and to advance towards the integration of the peoples of the world who are fighting against capitalism. Venezuela is a country with a profound democratic vocation, proof of which has been the will to generate processes of political dialogue with the opposition to guarantee the peace of the country and that the next elections will take place with complete normality for the Venezuelan people, spaces that have been boycotted by US imperialism, which continues with its policy of interference and imposition of sanctions.

Our daily construction of proletarian internationalism comes from the days of the battle against the FTAA, which has the imprint and contribution of Chávez and which is continued by Comrade Maduro with unwavering commitment. It is fundamental that in order to advance towards a process of unity we clearly identify who our enemies are: our orientation cannot have gray areas in the attacks against imperialism.

We, the popular movements of Nuestra America, express our unconditional support for the Bolivarian Revolution. We remain firm in the defense of this daily construction of popular and protagonist democracy, which is the cornerstone for the strengthening of any sovereign project of regional integration, with anti-imperialism and popular organization in its blood and its muscles are those that sustain the emancipation of Nuestra America in the face of imperialist attacks that our peoples resist, every day, in our territories.

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